Donate to the Academy (Clover)
You can make a difference
In the lives of Fargo-area children and their families.
No gift is too small to change lives.
I'd like to donate*:
Thank you in advance for your support.
Your donation will help Fargo-area children who’ve struggled in the traditional school setting get the specialized support they need to learn, develop, and ultimately reach their full potential.
We believe every child deserves to soar. We’re grateful for your gift of any amount to help these kiddos and their families live their best lives.
Full Circle Academy's application for recognition of exemption is available upon request.
The Full Circle Academy Wishlist
Another way you can make a difference
Our Wishlist is a gift registry where you can buy items that are needed to enhance the experience of our students.
There's a wide array of options in many different price ranges. As simple as shopping online, you can have the gift sent directly to us at Full Circle Academy. Pick out what you would like to give.
Thank you for supporting Full Circle Academy!
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
— Winston Churchill